Urban Digital Narratives: Workshop and Symposium Athens
Workshop 13th April Locative media: The Street Μartin Rieser Eύα Κέκου
Symposium 15th April Urban Digital Narratives
Martin Rieser will be developing an exhibition / experience that brings together locative mobileartworks in street locations in central Athens. The works will combine interactive installation elements,digital technology, game and performance and represents part of Rieser’s long-term collaborative Art/Technology practice.
The locative project will be part of a workshop in an inner city street where personal stories will be constructed and developed by volunteers using Empedia software to construct trails triggered by QR codes. The workshop will provide a unique exploration of locative potential for public narratives, gaming and entertainment.
Participants will explore cutting-edge software tools and new media productions.
When: Wednesday 13 April 2011, 1030–1830
Where: National Hellenic Research Foundation (Auditorium)
48 V. Konstantinou Street, 116 35 Athens
Registrations: evakekou@hotmail.com by 21 March 2011 at the latest. Participation is limited.
15 Απριλίου (10¨30-18.30) Εθνικό ϊδρυμα Ερευνών, Αθήνα
15 Απριλίου (10¨30-18.30) Εθνικό ϊδρυμα Ερευνών, Αθήνα
Location: E.I.E. Eθνικό Ιδρυμα Ερευνών,V. Kostantinou 48 Athens, Greece
Issues of art, science, technology and the city to be discussed by international academics and open forum discussion
Moderator: Eva Kekou
Keynote: Markos Novak (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Speakers: Roy Ascott, (Planetary Collegium, University of Plymouth, UK), Alexandros Psychoulis (University of Thessaly), Giorgos Tzirtzilakis (University of Thessaly), Stelios Giamarelos (University of Athens).
10.15 Welcome: Gregory Yovanof (Athens Information Technology), Eva Kekou, Martin Rieser
10:30-11.45 Introductory Talk: The Locative and the city, Workshop report Eva Kekou, Martin Rieser ( English)
11.45-12.00 Coffee break
12.00-13.00 Marcos Novak (University of California, Santa Barbara) Daimon, Kami, Genius Loci: Global Locative media and The Renaissance of the Particularity of the Place (English)
13.00 -14.00 Lunch break
14.00-14.30 Η Γεωγραφία του Λάθους Alexandros Psychoulis (Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly)(Greek)
14.30-15.00 H Φαρμακεία των Μέσων Giorgos Tzirtzilakis (Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly)(Greek)
15.00-15.30 Sense and the City:Towards a Technoetic Topology Roy Ascott (Planetary Collegium, University of Plymouth UK) (English)
15.30-16.00 Αthens 2.0 - Stelios Giamarelos (Department of Architecture, University of Athens)(Greek)
16:00-17:30 Open forum discussion
17:30-18:30 Reception
Supported by the British Council
Contacts: martin.rieser@gmail.com / ekekou@syros.aegean.gr